Lightweight trimmer that is perfect for homeowners looking for the ergonomic features unique to a straight shaft. Easy starting with air purge and Smart Start recoil assist. Strong, braided wire cable drive. Comes with easy loading T25 bump trimmer head. Handle adjustment can be completed without tools.
Customer Review: At long last, one that works!
Did a LOT of research online and in stores, only to be disappointed several times before finding the Husqvarna 128LDx (same as 128L, but with detachable shaft to allow for accessories) My old Ryobi bit the dust, and the new ones in the big box stores are junk. I can't believe how downhill they've gone. Pain in the neck to assemble, no more multiple choke positions for when it starts varnishing up over time (even with proper maintenance, fuel treatment and storage). I put the new one I purchased back in the box and promptly returned it to the HD big box store. I then looked at (and actually purchased and returned after reading instructions and learning more about them) the Echo and MTD (4-stroke). The Echo I bought had the kind of head where you put small pieces of string into the head easily, and then replaced the pieces when they broke off while trimming. This seemed too much a hassle to always have to stop and replace those pieces (however simple) everytime you hit a chain link fence or landscaping block. Some of the higher end Echo's are pretty nice, and were in 2nd place for me, but talking to a number of people in the know gave the nod to the Husqvarna. The Echo's have great motors, but a tendency to have string jams, meltdowns, etc. The Husqvarna is the easiest to add more line to, and is known to be bulletproof in that area. The 4-stroke MTD seemed like a sweet idea, but when I read the instructions and learned about the maintenance (you need to have feeler gauges and be able to adjust the valve-lash -- not something your average joe homeowner really wants to mess with). Plus, I heard that the durability may not be there. Certainly seems there are good reasons that people who use these things professionally stay away from the 4-strokes (heavy and lack of durability). So finally came upon the Husqvarna. Solid reviews whereever I went, and known for WORKING. Great, powerful motor that is easy starting and long lasting. Fairly light weight, trimmer head is a bump head that's very easy to refill. Straight shaft, professional style trimmer that I got for an even two bills at the dealer -- who set it up for me, got it running/adjusted perfectly and showed me all the ins and outs. Other notes: Decent sound level -- not all that loud. Does not smoke -- Etec II engine is pretty clean for a two stroke. So far I am very pleased!
cordless electric trimmer